IX SPS Meeting - Nanterre University, May 31-June 2, 2023 (Nanterre, France)
We are pleased to announce that the IX SPS Meeting (www.sps-philoscience.org) will take place at Nanterre University from May 31 to June 02, 2023.
The main theme of the meeting is "Gender and Sciences" (for example, contributions can be about the status of women in scientific practice, criticisms of bias in science, objectivity and feminism, the naturalization of sexual difference, etc.)
NOTE BENE: any proposal for a contribution relating to the philosophy of science broadly conceived will be examined.
Plenary lectures
Round table: Objectivity in science (Wed. May 31. 2023)
• Guilhem Corot, EHESS doctoral student
• Claire Grino, Senior FNS Researcher - UNIGE University of Geneva, Institute of Gender Studies.
• Julie Jebeile, CNRS Research Officer
• Stéphanie Ruphy, Professor of Philosophy of Science, École Normale Supérieure – PSL University.
Sex roles in biology (Thursday June 1. 2023) (in English)
Malin Ah-King, Stockholm University
Clémentine Vignal, Sorbonne University
Gender in prehistory
Claudine Cohen, philosopher, historian of science, director of studies at EHESS and member of the Center for Research on Arts and Language (CRAL)
Raphaëlle Chaix, researcher in genetic anthropology at CNRS and at the National Museum of Natural History, in Paris.