Call for papersThe 9th Congress of the Society for the Philosophy of Science will be held at the University of Paris Nanterre (France) from May 31. to June 2. 2023.
General goals of the conference After Lausanne in 2016, Nantes in 2018, Mons in 2021 (no congress in 2020 due to the pandemic), Paris Nanterre University will have the honor of organizing the congress of the francophone Society for the philosophy of sciences (SPS) from May 31. to June 2., 2023, in Paris Nanterre. The Society for the Philosophy of Science is a learned society, founded on October 3., 2002. Its aim is to promote the philosophy of science. The SPS organizes a congress every two years, which takes place in a French-speaking country. The working languages of the congress are French and English. A theme is chosen for each congress. Plenary lectures focus on the theme of the congress, and proposals for symposia and individual papers related to this theme are encouraged. But any submission on a subject relating to the philosophy of science, in the broad sense given to it by the SPS, is taken into consideration on an equal footing. SPS congresses have a dual function. First, they allow philosophers of science to present and discuss the most recent research in their field. They offer a platform for exchanges (i) with other disciplines dealing with the sciences such as political philosophy, ethics, philosophy of education, humanities and social sciences (including "science studies") ; (ii) with the various sciences themselves, as well as law, medicine, engineering and technology; (iii) with the professions that transmit science; (iv) with circles whose activity is based on the development of science (applied research, public and private; political leaders, expert counselling and advisory boards, citizens’ committees, etc.); and finally (v) with those responsible for science policy at all levels. The proposed theme for the 2023 edition of the Congress is “Gender and science” (for example, contributions can be about the status of women in scientific practice, criticisms of bias in science, objectivity and feminism, the naturalization of sexual difference, etc.) But note that, this year like in previous editions, any proposal for a contribution relating to the philosophy of science broadly conceived will be examined. Also note that the congress will give rise to a publication in the form of a special issue of the online journal Lato Sensu. Registration & Submission • The website for registration is open: To register for the congress, you must go to the webpage : You must then log in (or create an account) with credentials for the sciencesconf platform. For your registration to be complete, you must: 1/ Complete the registration form; 2/ Submit your abstract or panel proposal. Deadline for submissions: March 27, 2023 Submission via website Notification of acceptances from mid-April, 2023 3/ After acceptance of your communication, you can pay your registration fees by credit card via the SPS website: Call for papersDeadline for submission: March 27, 2023
Submission via the website: Individual paper:
Symposium (3 or 4 people):
Submission format:Individual paper:
Symposium :
Notification of acceptance: from mid-April, 2023Registration feesUntil April 30, 2023:
From May 1, 2023:
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